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Today, I have a six-year-old. A happy, healthy, and precocious six-year-old.

For those new to this blog, I lost our firstborn, Ethan, in 2011. We spent all of 2012 trying to get pregnant again to no avail. Just when I thought I wasn’t able to have any more children, we fell pregnant with Bear.

While Bear has not taken the place of Ethan, he has helped us heal. He taught us love, bravery, patience, and just being amazed by the little things. He’s an amazing child and I’m so proud of him.

We spoil him rotten and maybe we go overboard with the toys and treats. We know the loss of a child and we know how precious life can be. And Bear…well, he’s just awesome.

Happy Birthday to my awesome, Bear. I hope he continues to have an amazing life.
About Post Author
Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!